2018年東京モーターサイクルショーにて参考出品いたしました、Z900RS CUSTOM Mk.2-Style Ver.2018残念ながらご覧いただけなかった皆様に簡単にご紹介いたします。

I believe you might already see our motorcycle in pictures since many media introduced her from the first day of the exhibition.
Her exterior comes with square design that was requested after Tokyo Motor Show 2017 as well as 4-4 exhaust system. This fuel tank was developed as a cover type using an inner fuel tank like other our products. Side cover and tail cowl are prototypes built up based on the set for zephyr 750 with adjusting mounting position. The supercharger appealing its existence at the side of engine is a prototype model developed by MS-Sailing. We asked them to collaborate with us, and they installed it for this special occasion.
While we received favorable comments for her exterior and supercharger, we also know people wondered why we put 4-4 exhaust system for Mk.2 style. Of course, we have the plan of 4-1 exhaust system with short end pipe. But we simply wanted to showcase our just completed final prototype. This is Racing 4-4 exhaust system in Black for Mass production. It may have many updates from now before market release, but we are happy to share our production progress with you.
今回製作したZ900RS3台に装着したMORRIS MAGは発売予定の最終形態の物に新設計のZ900RS純正ローターに対応するアダプターを使用しております。スーパーチャージャーに関してはエムエスセーリング様https://www.ms-sailing.com/にて発表があるかと思いますので、そちらもチェックお願いします。
Our three Z900RS exhibition models have the new MORRIS MAG wheels which will be released soon, equipped by our original adapter for stock brake rotors.
About the supercharger, please also check MS-Sailing web site (https://www.ms-sailing.com/).
ピックアップいたしましたアイテム以外にもすでに販売開始しておりますフレームプラグやバックステップ、コアガードやエンジンスライダーなど使用しておりますので、取り付けイメージを感じていただければ幸いです。4本マフラーは、今後レーシングモデル(車検非対応)の発売を予定しており、その後ストリートモデル(車検対応品)の発売を予定しており、Z1-Styleに使用したメッキ仕上げと共に開発進行中です。外装セットに関しましては、今回のショーモデルからさらに進化する予定となっており、素材や形状など吟味しつつ、もう一段上のStyle に仕上げ発表するべく開発を進めてまいります。
Exhibition models can also provide you a better image for our other custom parts, like frame plug, rear sets, core guard, and engine slider. They are already available in our shop. We will release the racing 4-4 exhaust system (does not meet street emission standards) first, and street model (meet Japanese emission standards) later. We are developing them with black and plated finish as we showed in Z1-Style. For MK.2 exterior sets, we are going to further evolve our prototype based on our investigations of other materials and shapes. Please anticipate more sophisticated style from us!