発売より2年と半年が過ぎた今もなお、人気に陰りを見せないZ900RS。その最新技術を備えるZ900RSを往年の名車Z1へと変貌させる、Z1 STYLEパーツの特集ページを公開しました。ライト、ハンドル、マフラーと各部に区切ってご紹介致します。ご購入をお考えの際にぜひご活用ください。
It has been 2 and half years since Z900RS was released to the market, yet, the popularity of it never fades away. And this time, the Z900RS which is equipped with the latest technology will transform to the famed Z1. We are here to reveal the line-ups of Z1 STYLE parts such as light, handle, muffler and more by area.
Please take it as information as purchase.
Z900RS/CAFE DOREMI COLLECTION Z1 Style Parts special feature